My genealogical pursuits began when I was a mid 1980's teen and tasked with the "make a family tree" project in high school. Well, have you seen my family tree? My dad's side alone had 14 siblings all to write letters to obtain information. I used a roll of butcher block paper to sketch it all out. This was quite the endevour. I did well on the project, and the love of research and helping others find their ancestors was born.
I've been a Professional Genealogist for around 30 years, a member of the Association for Professional Genealogists (ApGen) and Association of Professional Genealogists Canada Chapter (ApgCan). Examples of my works are shown below, for both my own branches and those I've helped others find. You will find my research on every site including Ancestry, FamilySearch, Find-A-Grave, Rootsweb, and others.
Working as a Professional Genealogist has been quite rewarding. I've helped many find their ancestors and locations where they lived. I've given clients nothing short of a "small book" on their ancestors, including relevant maps, reports, images, and a step-by-step breakdown of each generation of a particular branch. I absolutely LOVE helping others this way. It lets me write, get to know your ancestors, and build great relationships with clients. My success rate at finding information has been mostly 100%.
Par example: I've given a few tidbits of other hobbies I've had over the years besides doing genealogy, including writing awesome books and sometimes even doing a little THEE-AH-TER *says with a flare*. Knowing my grandmother also did dancing and theatre is that epigenetic connection ~ those activities and occupations we share with our ancestors before us! I've included a fun biography as well. It's finding that human side, that creative and interesting side of your ancestors - more than just facts and figures. I'll tell you their STORIES!

It's about finding the STORIES as much as the facts ~
Such as my grandmother dancing the Can-Can dressed as a flapper and performing in Little Theatre in the 1930s.
Genealogy is telling the story of your ancestors life, not just where they lived but HOW and what activities they enjoyed or perils they went through.

I'm presently paused on undertaking any new clients, however I can answer quick questions via the chats on those same platforms. I've been busy wrapping up writing a few children's books published this year (see Kristin's Books).
It is quite exciting having a gift of being able to read incredibly old documents and the beautiful handwritten cursive on documents even earlier than the 16th century. I shine best though with 18th & 19th century, so if you have a document you cannot read or translate, I am available for transcription services at an hourly rate. I can navigate through several languages (see Palaeography).
RootsMagic (www.RootsMagic.com)* is the offline database program I use exclusively and have enjoyed it since its inception. They have a free essentials download as well and it works in conjunction with several online databases including Ancestry and FamilySearch. Part of my professional reports include a generated descendant tree from RootsMagic created by the data I input. *I've recently made the jump from 7.0 to 10.0 (the newest edition). I like it, but it had a learning curve to go from such a jump. (I stayed with 7.0 because I had used it for so long and I always like to give programs time to work out the quirks).
I recommend giving it a try for your own tree. Begin there and see what you can recall when filling out the tabs. It is such a journey and I am proud to have connected so many clients, family, and friends with their ancestral roots.
The rest is done by hand, meticulously researching books, grave, census, BMD records, and stitching together the fabric of an ancestor's life or perhaps chasing down a particular branch or the dreaded brick wall.
I've always loved this 1904 photo of this French Metallurgist, Louis Coulon and his cat nestled in his 11' long beard!

Please use links below to view completed research and to follow surnames I am interested in researching further.

As a family project I've worked on for several decades, I am pleased to share my research to help others.
Sample reports of my professional genealogy work I've done to help researchers.
What is Palaeography, you ask? It is the study of script and hand writing, from several centuries prior.

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